Hey Yall, I just put some information about me that i feel importants. So if there anything you wants to know about me but i didn't put it down here. Feel free to E-mail me to ask. Thanks!!!

Name: Amy Nguyen
Viet Name: Cuc Nguyen
Birthday: Oct.09
Gender: Female
Martial Status: Single
Nationality: Vietnamese
Location: Houston
Family members: Parents, brothers, and sisters
Person i respects the most: Parents
Hobbies: Looking for cute guys

Fave Viet singers: My Huyen, Lam Nhat Tien
Fave HK Stars: Tran Cam Hung (Sunny Chan), Xa Thi Man (Charmaine Sheh)
Fave Color: Red, Light Green
Fave Season: Winter
Fave clothes: Sport
Fave holiday: Christmas
Fave country: Vietnam
Fave food: Pizza
Fave fruit: Grapes
Fave animal: Dog
Fave cartoon: Sailormoon
Fave cartoon character: Sailormoon
Most favorite school subject: Mathematics
Least favorite school subject: Geograhy

Personal Quote: "Give me a rose then i give you a kiss!!!"

1)To see and date all the cute guys in this World
2)Went to HK to see Tran Cam Hung and Xa Thi Man
AOL Instant Messanger: TommiGirl109, Toi00CoDon, EmNhoAnh1, BeMine109


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